I grew up in a American Christian home and viewed God through that cultural lens, and the church/believers never challenged me to think beyond my own cultural and to consider how it effected my faith until recently. I have gone through what I like to think of as a rebirth as my cultural perspective of my savior was changed as I saw Israel in person. This experience has caused me to question what the "church" says Christianity is all about.
To clarify the issues that I am questioning are not faith issues, and I am not turning away from my faith, but diving in and getting deeper. I am seeking to intimatly know the character of God in all aspects of the Trinity by unwrapping the cultural context of the first century Jews. Just as we have things in our respective cultures, subcultures and generations that go without explination simply because it is known, the Bible is full of information that was not explained in writting because of cultural knowns. By gaining a first century understanding I am seeking to unwrap the Old Testiment and String the pearls (as the Rabbi's would say) to truely understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. With Jesus as our ultimate Rabbi, I want to be like my Rabbi. But I cannot be like Him, if I do not intimatly know Him. This blog will detail a few of my thoughts as I navigate through my new academic and spiritual adventure.