
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Israel 2012 Bible Tour Day 1

I must apologize, I may not be able to post the video's until I return from Israel, but I can post a little tidbit of information from each day. Check back as I post links on my facebook for the Video portion to be added.  I will post as much as I can, but after the first day of touring I found that my cameras batteries die quickly.  In addition there is about 3 hours of teaching each day. I know many of you were looking forward to me posting everything but I will get as much as I can. The internet here is a little sporadic also, so bear with me, I will try to get things posted as soon as possible.

The scripture readings are hard to hear. Look them up on your own to follow along. I am sharing video’s with one of the people here with me so that we can get more teaching. In future video’s we will cut out on the reading of longer scriptures. With my camera this means that there will be multiple video clips. Turn up the volume on your computer and enjoy!

Todays videos are from Tel Gezer, which is was a fortified city that was given to King Solomon when he married the Egyptian Princess.

Israel day Bible Tour Day 1 2012 from Charissa Robertson on Vimeo.

In addition to Tel Gezer we also went to Zorah and unpacked the story and life of Sampson. Last but not least for the day we went to Beth Shameh which was a Levitical city in 1 Samuel 4-6 where the Ark of the Covenant was taken in battle by the Philestines  and its journey back to Beth Shameh and how the presence of God causes the sin in our lives to be exposed. 

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