
Monday, June 11, 2012

Returning to the Holy Land.

Well the count down is almost over to me once again leaving the comforts of home and warm cuddles of my puppies to explore the world and learn more about my self, my faith and the mysteries that the Holy Land has to uncover.

I will be leaving once again for Israel June 12 at 4am Mountain time in order to catch a 6:57am flight to start this new adventure.

Things to be in prayer for as I am away in Ministry are as follows:
  • For the hearts of those we are going to serve to be open to the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.
  • Safety in Travel
  • Peace in Israel 
  • Health for myself & team mates
  • Open minds and hearts for myself and my team mates as we dive into first century Jewish culture and how it impacts our faith today.
  • Unity of the Christian Church in the Middle East
  • Safety and health for those we are leaving behind
  • and for Changed hearts. 
I am looking forward to posting videos of the biblical tour so all of you can experience part of the Holy Land with me. Although a video and pictures could never compare to seeing Israel with your own eyes, I hope that it will stir your spirit and ignite a fire within you to pursue God with a renewed fervor. 

God Bless and I look forward to hearing from each of you with Questions or comments. 

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